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Have you ever argued with God?  Seems pointless right?  It seems that way unless He is calling you to something that scares you to death.  I had that argument with God when I felt Him leading me to preach the Gospel.  You see, I told God that I wasn’t smart enough, patient enough, good enough, righteous enough, strong enough…anything enough.  I told God that He must be wrong about me.  I couldn’t understand how He could be calling me to this if He really knew me.  What a dumb statement!! Of course He knew me.  I understood the day I surrendered to that calling that God wanted my availability and not my ability.  Ability He could provide, my availability was up to me.  I told my wife Tammy the next day what I thought the Lord wanted me to do.  That was to go back to school at 30 and prepare myself to preach.  I enrolled at the Baptist College of Florida shortly thereafter.  You know you should have gone to school earlier when on the first day of class the other students think you are the teacher!

Things changed at a rapid pace in my life during my years at BCF.  I went from a simple life of being a business man and husband to my new role as a student/father/preacher/land owner and scared again to my very soul!!  I wondered what God had for me.  I went into this only knowing that He wanted me to be prepared to preach.  I wondered would I pastor or work with kids like many of my friends had done.  Maybe I would be an evangelist or maybe God would move my family away to minister elsewhere.  There were many nights spent in nervous anticipation of what God had in store.  All I knew at the time was I needed to do what the Lord had put on my heart and that was to become prepared.


