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    Everyone comes to Christ differently.  Some people accept Him late in life, while some come to know Him as a Child.  It is not about praying  a rehearsed prayer after someone that imparts salvation to a person.  It is about giving your life to Christ and turning away from your sins.  For me salvation came at 18 years old.  I spent my entire life until that point thinking that all I had to do was be good.  You see I thought that good people went to heaven.  I thought that I must be Christian mainly because I was not some other religion.  I remember there being an emptiness that was in me that I could not fill with anything.  I tried friends, sports, relationships, but the harder I tried to find peace or satisfaction the emptier I realized that I was.  I remember thinking one night that there must be some purpose for my life.  I believed in God, but didn’t know Him in a personal way.  I guess it is kind of like saying that you know that there is a President of the United States, but you couldn’t say that you knew him personally. 

I had a teacher ask me one day in class what would happen to me if I died.  I told him that I thought I would go to Heaven.  He asked me why I thought that.  I told him that I was a good person.  He told me that I was a good person, but that even on my best day I was not good enough to go to Heaven.  He told me that I had to rely on Jesus and have a relationship with Him.  That teacher helped me to realize that I was a sinner.  The Bible tells us that in Romans 3:23.  It says that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God.  No one can be good enough to earn heaven.  It doesn’t matter how good you are, how much you give, how often you go to church, or even how much you love others.  You see if there had been any way for us to go to heaven and spend our eternity with God there would have been no need for Jesus to die on that cross.  If there had been any other way He died in vain.


